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Environment, Energy and Climate Action

County governments play a critical role in preserving and protecting our environment. They monitor and manage water resources, preserve open spaces, promote sustainable land use practices, operate recycling programs, and enforce environmental regulations, among other important stewardship actions.

Environment, Energy, & Climate Action

Latest Climate, Environment, & Energy News

Environment, Energy, & Climate Webinars

April 13, 2023

Preparing for the Electric Vehicle Future

Are you ready for an electric future? With the rise in electric vehicles on the road, there is an increased demand for the build-out of EV charging infrastructure and public charging stations. This creates an opportunity for local governments, cities, counties, and states to demonstrate their commitment to their communities and sustainability efforts. Installing EV chargers also provides a valuable amenity to residents. This webinar explores the future of EV charging, funding opportunities, and creative ways for counties to access help.

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June 22, 2022

Turning to Transmission: How NYS is Planning for the Future of Renewable Energy

The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, which was signed into law in 2019, included an aggressive mandate for New York State to obtain 70% of the state’s energy from renewable sources by 2030. Much attention has been paid to the wind and solar projects that will need to be built to meet this goal; however, an equally important and often overlooked part of this discussion is how we will transmit the energy from these projects to the grid and dispatch electricity to end customers. New and upgraded transmission systems will be needed to move thousands of megawatts of renewable energy from where it is generated to where it will be consumed. This webinar provides a primer on the transmission infrastructure investments that are necessary to meet the Climate Act goals so local leaders can prepare for the transmission projects that may be coming to their county.

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Free Technical Assistance to Help Municipalities Protect their Public Drinking Water Sources

In 2021, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Department of Health (DOH), in collaboration with the Departments of Agriculture and Markets (AGM) and State (DOS), announced the new Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) to assist municipalities with proactively protecting their drinking water sources. The State is seeking communities to work with a technical assistance (TA) provider free of charge to develop and initiate implementation of a drinking water source protection program. TA providers will help municipalities develop community specific DWSP2 plans that they can implement by exploring and ultimately accessing numerous resources available to protect their source of public drinking water. For questions, email the DWSP2 Team at

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EPR for Solar Panels in New York

In this info session cosponsored by Niagara County and the New York State Association of Counties, policy experts from Niagara County, Washington State, solar panel recycler ERI, and PSI discuss the growing interest in solar panel EPR legislation and how New York counties, New York State, and other governments throughout the country can craft similar legislation.

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Investing in Today's Green Infrastructure to Power Tomorrow's Future

Counties across the state have been helping to build out an infrastructure of charging stations that will support the increasing numbers of electric cars on the road. Learn how ChargePoint's experience can save your county time and money from your first plug-in to your millionth charge.

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