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2024 End of Session County Priorities

With the State Budget out of the way, State Legislators will be returning for the final month of the legislative session.

While many of our county priorities are addressed every year in the budget process, there remain numerous important issues on which your association will be continuing to advocate for.

In support of our advocacy for the remainder of the 2024 Legislative Session, your NYSAC team has distributed our 2024 End of Session Legislative Program to state lawmakers.

Chief among the priorities laid out in the Program are:

  • Authorization of sales tax collections for short term rentals like AirBnb and VRBO, S.885-B (Hinchey) / A.4130-A (Fahy).

  • Passing elements of our Rescue EMS package, including:
    • providing counties with the authority to create special taxing districts to fund EMS systems, S.4020-C (Mayer) / A.3392-C (Otis);
    • removing EMS expenditures from the property tax cap, S.5000 (May) / A.4077 (Lupardo); and
    • authorizing EMS providers to be reimbursed for providing care to a patient at the scene of the incident or transporting them to a non-emergency room healthcare facility S.8486-A (Hinchey) / A.9102-A (Kelles).

  • Extending procurement laws to allow local governments to purchase off of OGS contracts and to procure technology products from the Federal General Service Administration (GSA). 

We encourage all our members to download the program and reach out to your local state legislators to let them know you support these priorities.

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