Budget, Finance Management, and Procurement
NYSAC has partnered with the following companies to provide budget and financial management solutions unique for counties in New York. They are designed to generate revenue and/or expand transparency and ease the county budget process.

Payment Solutions (P-Card) Program
NYSAC’s Payment Solutions (P-Card) Program, in partnership with PFMAM, provides counties with a tool to receive rebates for their purchases. The P-Card payment process may reduce the typical requisition process and related costs associated with purchasing materials and services. The P-Card, which is a special type of credit card, streamlines the purchase of supplies, furniture, construction materials, utilities and much more, saving staff time and money for your county. For more information, please email PCardTeam@pfm.com.
Contact Us
New York State Association of Counties
515 Broadway, Suite 402
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 465-1473
Fax: (518) 465-0506