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NYSAC hosts regular webinars on emerging topics of interest and importance to counties, including regular real-time updates from state and federal experts. Many webinars also feature topics that are new and not yet on the radar of county officials.

All webinars are free of charge for our members and typically last about one hour.

Past webinars are posted on here and on the NYSACTV YouTube channel to allow county officials to view a recording and pdf of the slides from the presentation at any time they would like for easy access to training.



View Recordings and PDFs of Presentations

Archived Webinars:

March 20, 2025

NYSAC Partners with Amazon Business to Provide Free Membership and Benefits for Counties

The New York State Association of Counties is thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership with Amazon Business. Through this collaboration, members will gain access to free Business Prime and exclusive Government pricing on thousands of products. Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to easily upgrade your account and start taking advantage of these valuable new benefits. Additionally, members who have already paid for Prime will receive a pro-rated refund. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity!

Webinar Recording

PDF of PowerPoint

January 9, 2025

Challenges in Child Welfare: Addressing County Recruitment, Retention Struggles, Key Findings, and Enhancing Outcomes

Topic experts from The Bonadio Group, with over ten years of experience working with New York State child welfare agencies, will offer valuable insights on improving both the operational and fiscal aspects of child welfare. Drawing from their extensive experience in onsite consulting, they will share common themes and trends observed across various agencies. Their presentation will focus on strategies for maximizing resources, streamlining processes, and utilizing technology to improve efficiency and outcomes in child welfare services. This session promises practical advice for enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of child welfare programs.

Webinar Recording

PDF of PowerPoint

December 10, 2024 10:00 a.m.

Highlighting County and School Partnerships to Support Preschool Special Education Services in NYS

Join K-12 school leaders, and local officials for a panel presentation on the positive impact partnerships between local health departments and schools have in the provision of services for preschool special education students. Our panel of experts will present collaborative projects resulting in fiscal benefit to schools; supporting equitable transportation opportunities; strategies for keeping students in counties to receive services, and novel center-based programming.

Sponsored by NYSACHO and NYSAC

Webinar Recording

PowerPoint Presentation


November 7, 2024

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting Best Practices

According to a recent survey by the GFOA, there is a preference for high-level government financial data but less interest in detailed financial disclosures, highlighting the need for balanced and user-friendly reporting. Additionally, ACFRs are often too complex for the general public to understand, highlighting the need for easier-to-understand documents. Learn how county governments can leverage best practices to manage this changing landscape and better enhance stakeholder engagement, while simultaneously saving time to meet the demands of producing reports such as an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Webinar Recording

PDF of PowerPoint

November 6, 2024

NY Winter Energy Market Outlook

The Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance will host NRG who will be presenting a winter weather forecast and the potential impact to the energy markets. This webinar will also provide cost management strategies to help keep budgets under control.

Webinar Recording

PDF of PowerPoint

August 14, 2024

Understanding NY’s New Voting Rights Act

The John R. Lewis New York State Voting Rights Act is now in effect. Several counties and localities will be required to have election law-related changes "precleared" (or pre-approved) by the state attorney general's office before they can go into effect. All local governments are subject to challenge for minority vote dilution if certain situations are present. This webinar will provide the "basics" of the new law and how your attorneys should be prepared for the law's implementation.

Webinar Recording

PDF of Slide Presentation

August 8, 2024

New Clean Energy Tax Incentives for Governments

New tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) are making it more affordable than ever for counties and municipalities to invest in renewable energy projects and sustainability initiatives. Please join us at 2 p.m. on Thursday, August 8th for a webinar on how counties, for the first time, can benefit from tax credits that can dramatically lower the costs of these projects. Federal direct-pay subsidies are available for various clean energy initiatives, such as fleet conversion, charging station deployment, and energy facility installation. Experts from KPMG will provide an overview of the IRA and explain how local governments can qualify for funding through the program by detailing the eligible time periods, projects, and application process. 

Webinar Recording

PDF of Slide Presentation

July 23, 2024

Employer-Sponsored Primary Care Health Centers: Enhancing Access, Patient Experience, Quality and Cost Savings.

Employers continue to be challenged with increases in healthcare costs, lack of access to primary and mental healthcare providers and employee attraction and retention concerns. Join us for a webinar focused on an innovative strategy self-funded employers are implementing to directly impact these challenges and produce better overall health outcomes for their populations. 

Webinar Recording

PDF of Slide Presentation

July 17, 2024

Successful Decarbonization takes 6 steps: Are you missing one?

Municipalities are all over the map when it came to their sustainability journeys. Some members have implemented energy efficiency initiatives but need more ideas to move the needle. Others are still at square one on establishing goals. Some need to act quickly in response to deadlines, while for others, it simply isn’t a priority.
Wherever your organization might be today, do you know all 6 steps to get there? Without laying the groundwork for a complete roadmap, many organizations can find themselves behind schedule, over budget, or simply running out of steam before they hit the finish line as they scramble to find additional ways to meet their goals. Join us for a webinar with our Sustainability experts and partners at Constellation, who will take you through each of the six steps of decarbonization, highlighting how Constellation is helping customers transition to a carbon-free future leveraging our sustainability solutions.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to build your decarbonization playbook without missing a single step.

Hosted by the Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance (MEGA)

Webinar Recording

PDF of Slide Presentation

May 22, 2024

See The Signs, Save A Life: A Turnkey Opioid Campaign for Your County

Join us for a webinar showcasing "See The Signs, Save A Life," a turnkey public health campaign ready for implementation in your county. This initiative, which has historically met the criteria for Opioid Settlement Fund spending, provides an intimate look at those in the throes of opioid addiction and the loved ones whose lives are impacted by their addiction. By shedding light on the dangers of opioids and the support available, it aims to raise awareness of the ongoing crisis and guide those in need toward vital assistance. Discover the program’s benefits, creative elements, customization options, and case studies, empowering you to seamlessly integrate it into your county's strategy to combat the opioid epidemic.

Webinar Recording

PDF of Slides

PSA Video

May 14, 2024

Social Media Policies and the First Amendment

Do you know the policies that govern your county’s social media accounts? This webinar is designed to help you better understand some of the guardrails to consider as you review or redevelop your social media policies, procedures, and activity. Acclaimed presenter Mark R. Weaver Esq. will shed light on the profound implications of the recent and upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decisions concerning public officials and their social media accounts. This discussion will illuminate the often-confusing intersection between social media and free speech. It may be time to revise your policies to comply with new caselaw.


May 7, 2024

Budget Update: Summary of FOIL and Open Meetings Law Changes

Please join the NYS Committee on Open Government as they present an overview of the State Budget's impact on FOIL and Open Meetings Law. This live webinar will also provide an opportunity for member Q and A on issues covered and related to existing law. 

Webinar Recording (audio)

March 26, 2024

Energy 101 for Local Governments and Schools

Join us for a webinar that discusses the Municipal Electricity and Gas Alliance (MEGA) and where this non-profit local development corporation fits into the energy market in New York State. Learn about how deregulation changed the energy market in the state and what that means to MEGA participants and other eligible local entities across the state. Finally, our presenters will provide an update on current market conditions and expectations for the future.

If you would like to request a link for the webinar recording or PDF of the slides, please click here.

February 15, 2024

Unlock New Opportunities with Clean Energy Communities Round 3.0

Join us as we delve into Round 3.0 of the Clean Energy Communities Program, which offers new ways for counties and municipalities to access grant funding, earn recognition, and receive ongoing support for clean energy solutions. Led by experts from the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), this webinar is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of this revamped program.

Webinar Recording

PDF of Presentation

January 30, 2024

Fundamentals of Media Relations for Counties

Media relations have changed significantly over the years. As newsrooms have gotten smaller, and social media has created intense pressure on journalists to publish news in real-time and respond to public comments, people in government media relations roles need to have the knowledge and skills to assess a situation and respond quickly. In this session, you will learn tips for building positive relationships with journalists as well as a better understanding of the modern news cycle and how to handle media proactively and reactively.

>Webinar Recording

>PDF of PowerPoint

January 29, 2024

Cybersecurity Protections in an Expanding Digital Environment

As governments and public leaders move to modernize how they engage with citizens, more and more services have a digital connection. These range from citizen-facing services such as 911 emergency services to websites for imparting information or scheduling services and using connections with a physical component such as public water and/or electrical meters. More and more essential government services, such as traffic lights and public utilities, are examples of Operational Technology (OT) that are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. Keeping these types of public services available and our citizens safe is top of mind for leaders across state, county, and local government.

Join us for this webinar discussion of key issues, strategies, and response options available in New York State. Our presenter, Jim Richberg, is the Head of Cyber Policy and Global Field Chief Information Security Officer at a major security company. This webinar presentation is based, in part, on recent cybersecurity testimony that Jim gave to Congress earlier this month. Jim is a sought-after expert with more than 30+ year career building and running whole-of-government cyber programs and leading cyber activities across the 17 departments and agencies of the US Intelligence Community. This is a great opportunity to listen, learn, ask questions, and engage in a dialogue designed to help build local cyber security and awareness.


Jim Richberg | Fortinet Head of Cyber Policy and Global Field CISO

>Webinar Recording

>PDF of PowerPoint

January 17, 2024

NYISO’s 2024 State of the Grid Webinar

The latest report from the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) highlights growing risks to electric system reliability driven by rising electricity demands, resource retirements, extreme weather, and other factors. These challenges will persist as more renewable energy resources and large load manufacturing projects — both critical for the state’s long-term economic viability — connect to the grid. Join us for a webinar with Kevin Lanahan, NYISO's Vice President of External Affairs and Corporate Communications, as we discuss the challenges of the grid in transition and how those challenges may impact New York’s County and local governments.

>Webinar Recording

>PDF of Presentation

Contact Us

New York State Association of Counties
515 Broadway, Suite 402
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 465-1473
Fax: (518) 465-0506

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