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8 Reasons Why NYSAC’s First Ever Virtual Fall Seminar May Be The Best Yet

With COVID-19 limiting our ability to meet in person, NYSAC's Fall Seminar is going to look and feel a little different than years past. Despite these challenges, we're confident that you're going to love this year's event. In fact, here are 8 reasons why NYSAC's first ever VIRTUAL Fall Seminar may be the best Fall Seminar yet!

  1. It's free! You can't beat free. We understand that in the midst of this unprecedented crisis, budgets are stretched thin. That's why, for this year's Fall Seminar, we've worked with a host of fantastic sponsors to bring you an event that is completely free of charge. Join us in thanking them by visiting our Fall Seminar Sponsors page to learn more about our sponsors.
  2. No need to travel! Get the same relevant training to keep you informed and up-to-date on the latest developments in local, state, and federal policy without spending hours in the car!
  3. No dress code! This year you can receive updates on the 2020 electionpolice reformCOVID-19 wastewater testingenvironmental policycommunication strategy and county budgeting, all in your pajamas!
  4. Top-tier speakers. With a web-based conference, we've been able to recruit leading experts from all around the state and nation to lead workshops on issues impacting counties and provide you with the knowledge and tools to be an even more effective public servant in your community.
  5. Relaxed pace. While we all enjoy the frenetic pace and energy of a typical NYSAC conference, this year you can take a deep breath and relax as enjoy timely and informational workshops spread out over 8 days, with just two sessions per day. This year, you can take in Governing Through Executive Order: A State and Local Perspective in the morning, answer some emails and grab some lunch and then enjoy Bracing for the Next Wave: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 in Emergency Management in the afternoon.  And if you need miss a workshop, no problem! You can watch a recording whenever it's convenient for you.
  6. No need to choose. You can do it all. By providing each workshop with its own time slot over 8 days, this year's format ensures that you no longer have to choose between Leadership in the Time of COVID-19 and Counties, Mental Health, and the Criminal Justice Process; or choose between Investing in Our Older Americans and COVID-19 Testing: A Rapidly Evolving Landscape. At the Virtual Fall Seminar, you can do it all.
  7. Virtual Contests, Real Prizes! This year's Virtual Fall Seminar will feature three new contests: the Virtual Fall Seminar Tweet-Off, the #CountiesForwardTogether Instagram Photo Contest and the Perfect Attendance Award. Participants will compete for prizes provided by our generous sponsors. Learn more about the contests here.
  8. Chart the course for the year ahead. All kidding aside, our state faces serious challenges in the year ahead. With both the state and counties grappling with the economic aftershocks of the coronavirus pandemic, it will be more important than ever to present a united front on behalf of New York's Counties. As always, this year's Fall Seminar will conclude with the adoption of our 2020 NYSAC policy resolutions, which were advanced earlier this summer through the standing committee process and will set our advocacy agenda for the year to come.

While we will dearly miss seeing all of you in person, we are equally confident that we have designed a conference that fulfills our mission to educate, represent, advocate for and serve New York's counties, and that will provide you with the insight and information to keep New York's counties moving forward, together. 

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