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2023 NYSAC Fall Seminar Schedule


Fall Seminar Schedule

At a Glance

Wednesday, September 13th

7:30am-5:30pm - Registration

9:30am-11:00am NYSAC Standing Cmt. Mtgs. (Track I)

  • Public Employee Relations
  • Children with Special Needs
  • Agriculture & Rural Affairs
  • Medicaid & Human Services
  • Transportation & Public Works
  • Climate Action

11:30am-1:00pm NYSAC Standing Cmt. Mtgs. (Track II)

  • Economic Development & Environment
  • Taxation & Finance
  • Public Health/Mental Health
  • Native American Affairs
  • Public Safety
  • Intergovernmental Relations

1:00pm-2:00pm - NYSAC Luncheon

1:00pm-5:00pm - Exhibits Open

2:00pm-3:15pm - NYSAC IT Task Force Meeting

2:00pm-3:15pm - Workshop Session I

3:15pm-5:00pm - Resolutions Committee Meeting

3:15pm-3:45pm - Break in Exhibit Hall

3:45pm-5:00pm - Workshop Session II

6:00pm-8:30pm - Madison County Reception and NYSAC Dinner Event


Thursday, September 14th

7:30am-5:00pm - Registration

7:30am-5:00pm - Exhibits Open

7:30am-8:45am -  General Breakfast

7:30am-8:45am - NYS Association of Chairs of County Legislative Boards Breakfast Meeting

9:00am-10:15am - Opening Plenary Session

10:15am-10:45am - Break in Exhibit Hall

10:45am - Noon Workshop Session III

Noon-1:30pm - NYSAC Business Meeting Part I: Inaugural Luncheon

1:30pm-2:00pm - Time to Visit Exhibit Hall

2:00pm-3:15pm - Workshop Session IV

3:15pm-3:45pm - Break in Exhibit Hall

3:15pm-5:00pm - Networking Event & Learning Labs in the Exhibit Hall


Friday, September 15th

8:00am-9:00am - General Breakfast

8:00am-9:00am - Joint Intercounty Breakfast

9:00am-9:30am - NYSAC Business Meeting: Part II Resolutions

Workshop Schedule

Wednesday, September 13th


Just Added: County Procurement Best Practices

Wednesday, September 13, 2:00pm-3:15pm

County government provides hundreds of direct services to our residents across the State. Purchasing the tools and goods to support these services is a large and expensive undertaking and one. This training session will cover what you need to know as a county official to understand this process and help you make informed decisions that will make for a more efficient local government. Our speakers will provide you with the understanding and steps to follow when making common daily purchases to more complex issues like energy supply and even how to purchase goods during emergency situations


Financial Condition Analysis
Wednesday, September 13, 2:00pm-3:15pm

Performing a regular, timely financial condition analysis can provide board members with valuable information on the current and future state of local government finances. Regular analysis can highlight potential fiscal problems and provide information necessary for timely corrective action. This presentation will help counties examine the use of financial reports, results of operations and financial trend analysis to determine and monitor their municipality’s financial condition.


In REM Issues: Evaluating the Property Tax Foreclosure Process
Wednesday, September 13, 2:00pm-3:15pm

A series of state legislative proposals, SFY 2024 Budget reforms recommended by the Governor, and court cases at both the state and federal level will require New York to modify its’ laws related to the In Rem property tax delinquency foreclosure process in the coming year. Counties in New York currently have some unique responsibilities that other counties across the country do not have in the tax enforcement process. Here from county tax enforcement experts on how we got here and what a rewrite of New York’s law should consider.


NACo Federal Priorities: The Federal Budget & The Fiscal Responsibility Act
Wednesday, September 13, 2:00pm-3:15pm

Navigating a split Congress and advancing our joint federal priorities can certainly be a challenge. America’s 3,069 county governments provide essential building blocks for healthy, safe and vibrant communities. Counties invest over $600 billion each year in taxpayer resources through the leadership of nearly 40,000 county elected officials and almost 3.6 million county employees The National Association of Counties joins us to provide a federal update on the latest with budget negotiations, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, and the status of NACo’s 2023 federal priorities.


Public Defense Changes: An Update on the Office of Indigent Legal Services
Wednesday, September 13, 2:00pm-3:15pm

In recent State Budgets, indigent legal defense has seen significant changes that impact local government operations and expenditures. It is critical that your county understands both the new service demands required in this growing field as well as what state fiscal and structural support exists to lower the burden on your local taxpayers. Join us for a panel discussion with the NYS Office of Indigent Legal Services on how your county can provide this important service in the best and most efficient manner.


Town/County Supervisors Track: Sharing Services Across Levels of Local Government
Wednesday, September 13, 3:45pm-5:00pm

Boards of Supervisors are in the unique position of supporting the sharing of services between the county and towns. Whether it's IT support, plowing roads, maintaining bridges, providing fuel, sharing sales taxes, or providing procurement support, many of these counties and towns have been working closely together for decades. This workshop is designed for these dual role local leaders and the administrators and department heads that serve the public. 


Policies and Procedures for Managing Your County
Wednesday, September 13, 3:45pm-5:00pm

This session will begin by discussing the legally required policies all local governments must have. However, there are many facets of County government that are not covered by the legal requirements for policies and procedures. We will also discuss several programmatic areas, including the use of vehicles, cell phones and computers, where “best practices” come into play and how you can address internal controls over these areas using policies and procedures. 


PIO Training: Effectively Writing for County Websites
Wednesday, September 13, 3:45pm-5:00pm

In today's digital age, effective writing for the web is crucial for engaging your residents online. Whether you are a PIO, legislator, supervisor or department head, this workshop is designed to equip you with the essential skills and techniques needed to create more compelling and readable content for your website visitors. This workshop will cover the intricacies of writing for the web and learn how to tailor your content to suit the online medium. 


Cyber Security and the Front Lines of County IT
Wednesday, September 13, 3:45pm-5:00pm

Even as your IT team implements new cybersecurity controls to increase protections and develop organizational cyber maturity, the threat of a breach or ransomware attack continues to be a concern for local leaders. This workshop will cover what counties are doing to fortify the backend business systems that drive the day-to-day operations of county governments. Join us for this discussion from the national and New York State perspectives. 



Thursday, September 14th


From Awareness to Action: Mental Health First Aid Training
Thursday, September 14, 8:00am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm



Meet the Mandates: How the State Uses Local Tax Dollars
Thursday, September 14, 10:45am-12:00pm

State leaders speak often about the mandate relief they have provided to counties. While there has been much needed progress in the past, recent backsliding and longstanding unfunded mandates continue to cost counties and local taxpayers. In this workshop you’ll learn about the multiyear impact of state mandates and how we need to redefine the story to protect local taxpayers. 


Emergency Medical Services: Significant State Action Needed to Avert Crisis
Thursday, September 14, 10:45am-12:00pm

NYSAC and the counties of New York have advocated for and partnered with organizations to advance state policy to address the EMS crisis that is afflicting every community throughout the state. Volunteer and non-profit agencies are struggling with billing insurance and retaining professional emergency medical personnel; capital and operating costs are skyrocketing, and yet there isn’t a mechanism to properly fund these services; and wait times for emergency care are increasing, and our provider agencies are stretched to the max. Join us for an in-depth discussion on state policies that will help to turn the tide and stem these problems from growing.


Building Stronger Communities with Opioid Settlement Funds
Thursday, September 14, 10:45am-12:00pm

This workshop will discuss how to maximize the impact of opioid settlement funds and highlight the best practices implemented by counties across the state. Join us as we shine a spotlight on innovative approaches that are helping to combat the opioid epidemic and build stronger, healthier communities.


Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Counties
Thursday, September 14, 10:45am-12:00pm

This workshop will cover everything you need to know about AI. Well, maybe not everything, but please join us for an engaging and interactive workshop designed to demystify the fascinating realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Whether you are a curious beginner or a doomsday skeptic, this workshop will provide you with valuable insights into the capabilities, applications, and potential of AI.


Town/County Supervisor Track: A Governing Balancing Act
Thursday, September 14, 10:45am-12:00pm

County supervisors have a dual governance role, and at times it requires a skilled balancing act between leading their town and overseeing county operations. Town supervisors may sit in on their town board meeting on Tuesday and attend county committee meetings on Thursday. This workshop will discuss the healthy tension of this dual structure and some best practices for addressing the challenges and opportunities for local leaders, administrators, and employees. 


Building Consensus in a Political Environment (County Government Institute Core Session)
Thursday, September 14, 2:00pm-3:15pm

County leaders are often confronted with the need to settle political differences so that the greater interests of the public can be served. During this session, county leaders will learn skills and techniques to help manage and resolve political conflicts. This is an interactive session, where participants will be grouped with other county officials to jointly work on real issues facing your county so that practical application of the techniques can be demonstrated. This session will be led by the NYS Dispute Resolution Association (County Government Institute Core Requirement –4 credits). 


Pathways to Clean Energy: How to Select the Right Projects for Your County
Thursday, September 14, 2:00pm-3:15pm

This session will explore the art of selecting and implementing the most impactful clean energy projects to maximize return on investment, achieve significant cost savings, and propel your county towards its sustainability goals. Join us to connect with experts, learn from success stories, and leave equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive your community towards a cleaner, greener future. 


PIO Training: Responding to Emergencies and Crisis Communications

Thursday, September 14, 2:00pm-3:15pm

Increasing incidents of severe weather events and cyber-attacks around New York, leave counties facing a myriad of potential crises that can significantly impact their operations, reputations, and relationships with the public. The key to successfully managing these crises lies in the ability to communicate effectively, proactively, carefully, and continuously. This workshop is designed to provide attendees with skills and knowledge needed to better navigate the county through a crisis. 


The Griffiss Skydome & the Future of Drone Technology
Thursday, September 14, 2:00pm-3:15pm

SkyDome, an instrumented Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) experimentation indoor/outdoor facility, supports the development and test of technologies for autonomous swarms, resilient swarm communications, advanced sensing, and survive and operate in contested environments. Designed to accommodate year-round testing of UAS, the SkyDome facility is immediately adjacent to the space shared by the AFRL-RI, the Griffiss Institute, and SUNY in the Innovare Advancement Center complex. Join us for a presentation highlighting this state-of-the-art economic development project!


Understanding the CLCPA from an Agriculture and Land Use Perspective (INTERCOUNTY)
Friday, September 15, 8:00am-9:00am

In 2019, New York State set unprecedented and ambitious climate mitigation mandates. These goals apply to all sectors, including agriculture and forestry, and include a 40% reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2030 and 85% reduction greenhouse gases by 2050. Cornell University researchers are working to help policy makers, farmers, forest owners, and landowners find realistic and meaningful ways to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and meet the goals that are being set in New York State and beyond. Join us for a presentation from Cornell Extension Associate Jenifer Wightman on her research into systems-based greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategies (agriculture, forestry, energy, waste) and how it is being applied to state policy for engaging working lands in climate change mandates.

Contact Us

New York State Association of Counties
515 Broadway, Suite 402
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 465-1473
Fax: (518) 465-0506

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